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Is there anything wrong with celebrating Father's Day?

Blessings Yahshar'el!

Did you know that Father's Day is of pagan origins? Don't curse yourselves with this demonic ritual. Keep reading to learn the truth.

Celebrating Father's Day gives honor to the pagan fake sky god, Caelus (Jupiter, Zeus, Uranus) and the summer solstice. Ever wondered where we got the tradition of gifting our fathers ties on this holiday?

During these pagan rituals, whenever goats were sacrificed, they tied ribbons around the goats' necks. This was done to set them apart from the rest of the herd. I'm telling you, everyone of these holidays we celebrate are rooted in pagan origin.

Let's honor our Father according to what the Scriptures say. Do you know why the Scriptures oftentimes say "The Elohiym of Avraham, Yitschaq and Ya'aqov?" It is because each of the patriarchs taught their child/children the ways of Elohiym!

Fathers, the best thing you can do is to lead your family to Yahuah!

Jasher 26:26-27

26: And remember the wonderful works of Yahuah, and His kindness that He has shown toward us, in having delivered us from the hands of our enemies, and Yahuah Elohaynu (Yahuah our Elohiym) caused them to fall into our hands; and now therefore guard all that I have commanded you, and turn not away from the commandments of your Elohiym, and serve none beside Him, in order that it may be well with you and your seed after you.

27: And teach you your children and your seed the instructions of Yahuah and his commandments, and teach them the upright way in which they should go, in order that it may be well with them forever.

HalleluYah!! Praise YAH!! We HONOR the Fathers that do so!

Blessings Yahshar'el! Bless up & Big Up!

~Brother TGOY

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Unknown member
Jun 24, 2023

That’s right. That was their plan all along, Cecilia 🤦🏾‍♀️

Unknown member
Jun 24, 2023
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That part! Praise Yah for His love and long suffering, we know the way this ends too. Be strong Sis for our Dad is coming for us!! HalleluYah 🙌🏾💃🏾👏🏾


Unknown member
Jun 24, 2023

So some of the pagan practices of Mithraism became part of the practices of Christianity

Unknown member
Jun 24, 2023
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The revelations are unbelievable. Sometimes you have to take a minute just to take it all in. I stopped practicing Mothers Day and Fathers Day by removing the need to wish others félicitations on those days.

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