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Escritura a la que se hace referencia en Enseñanzas

Según las Escrituras, necesita el Ruach Ha'Qodesh para comprender completamente las Escrituras. ¡Tienes que pedirle al Ruach Ha'Qodesh que te guíe y te enseñe!

Toda la Escritura a la que se hace referencia a continuación es del Cefer.

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¿Qué es Rapto?

The idea of a "rapture" as it is currently defined is not found in historic Christianity, but is a relatively recent doctrine of Evangelical Protestantism.

¿Qué es Adoración?

Everything we do is worship. We will ask the Ruach HaQodesh to guide us in better understanding Revelation and what it means to worship. If you're not doing it YAH's way, you're worshipping another - the devil. There is no in between.

¿Quién o Qué  es la Bestia?

Revelation 17:7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore did you marvel? I will tell the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns. Allow Scripture to interpret Scripture to reveal the truth.

Conecta los puntos

The enemy will try to deceive us by painting a picture that isn't real. We must Connect the Dots.   Allow Scripture to interpret Scripture to reveal the truth.

El Nacimiento de Nuestro Salvador

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La abominación desoladora

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Restaurando el Nombre de Ya'Aqov (Jacob)

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¿Quiénes son los Dos Testigos?

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¿Quién es la novia ?

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¡Su Nombre es Yah-Usha (Y Son Uno)!

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¡Sin Pascua! ¡Sin Pascua!

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¡El verdadero sábado!

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¡Unidos en Yugo Desigual!

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Entendiendo el Sello de YAH!

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Sellos o Trompetas [Parte 1]

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Nuestra Línea de Tiempo es una Mentira [Sellos y Trompetas Parte 2]

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Entender ¿el despertar?

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