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Skrif waarna verwys word in leringe

Per Skrif het jy die Ruach Ha'Qodesh nodig om die Skrif ten volle te verstaan. Jy moet die Ruach Ha'Qodesh vra om jou te lei en te leer!

Alle Skrif waarna hier onder verwys word, is van die Cepher.

Stel u belang om die Cepher onderweg te lees? Probeer die Cepher-toepassing in dieApple WinkelofGoogle Play Winkel.

Wat is Wegraping?

The idea of a "rapture" as it is currently defined is not found in historic Christianity, but is a relatively recent doctrine of Evangelical Protestantism.

Wat is aanbidding?

Everything we do is worship. We will ask the Ruach HaQodesh to guide us in better understanding Revelation and what it means to worship. If you're not doing it YAH's way, you're worshipping another - the devil. There is no in between.

Wie of Wat  is die Dier?

Revelation 17:7 And the angel said unto me, Wherefore did you marvel? I will tell the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her, which has the seven heads and ten horns. Allow Scripture to interpret Scripture to reveal the truth.

Verbind die kolletjies

The enemy will try to deceive us by painting a picture that isn't real. We must Connect the Dots.   Allow Scripture to interpret Scripture to reveal the truth.

Die geboorte van ons Verlosser

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Die gruwel van verwoesting

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Herstel die naam van Ya'Aqov (Jacob)

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Wie is die Twee Getuies?

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Wie is die  Bruid?

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Sy Naam is Yah-Usha (en hulle is een)!

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Geen Paasfees nie! Geen Pasga!

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Die Regte Sabbat!

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Ongelyke juk!

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Verstaan die Seël van YAH!

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Seëls of trompette [Deel 1]

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Ons tydlyn is 'n leuen [Seëls en trompette Deel 2]

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Doen jyVerstaan the Awakening?

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